Last Star Fighter Rings!

Below that we have the Flying Planet Trap. A teeny tiny ring! Size 15, which is an 11mm little finger dinner party sitter.
My first escapade in silver enamelling? Red, green, black and grey on 950 silver, those little mushrooms and the inclined figure are in 14 carat gold and the trapped planet is a beautiful and transient seed from Brazil´s Cerrado biosphere. One of my all time favorite seeds, kept unwet this comes with no more than a five year warranty. You saw the film Germlins? well you have been warned! And after all that, this piece is already sold! waah!

Last but not least, The Last Star Fighter. 950 silver and 14 carat gold, with Brazilian lampworked glass, green and inside... another sphere of yellow. No your eyes do not deceive you, this baby moves!
 Putting it on and off makes the outer ring of tentacles rotate. Great movement. I promise you, you put this ring on and you have to tell people to close their mouth all the time.
17mm inside diameter.

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